Girls’ Club a Success!

Our first Girls’ Club Clinic was a success to say the least. 59 young ladies ranging in ages from 3 to 12 years old took over KGCC on Sunday. This was a special program to have girls join together for social play and skill development. The girls were divided into groups by age and then rotated around 7 stations, guided by their volunteer leaders. The stations included full swing with Lindsay, full swing with Brice, chipping with Gord, Putting with Andrew, SNAG with representatives from BC Golf, and finally mini golf and golf ball decorating both run by volunteers. There was a strong emphsis on fun, participation, making friends and enjoying the spirit of golf. We finished up with goody bags and certificates for each participant as well as door prizes. Big smiles were everywhere!

A huge thank you to all the volunteers, members, BC Golf staff and our community for making this event such a huge success.

Read the write up on KamloopsParents.Com

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